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member ID:42400

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  • Bussiness name:

    Mingya Insurance Brokers
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  • Registering time:

    2019-03-25 16:16
  • Last login time:

    2019-03-25 16:16
  • Contact info:

    you can see with 1 point


Do you have difficulty in finding a suitable health insurance plan that could cover both private and public hospitals in China or worldwide? Do you wish to obtain the most cost-effective insurance plans catered to your needs? Do you wish to have access to direct-billing when receiving medical treatments in both public and private hospitals in China or overseas, where no upfront payment is required when filing a claim?


We at Mingya Insurance Brokers offers one-stop comprehensive insurance brokerage services for China expats.


We cooperate with multiple international insurers such as MSH, CMB&Cigna, Taiping-GBG, Yongcheng-GBG, Allianz, AXATP, ICBC-AXA, AIG, Bupa, Ping An etc. We can provide very comprehensive insurance plans suitable for your needs. Our plans can cover private hospitals & clinics, international department of public hospitals, both China or Worldwide. Not just yourself, we offer plans that cover your dependents as well. Our plans also offer optional benefits such as dental coverage, wellness & vaccination benefits and maternity coverage.


The major types of coverage plans we offer:


- China/Worldwide health insurance 中国/全球医疗保险
- Employee health insurance (for companies and institutions) 员工医疗保险(适合公司和其他机构)
- International travel insurance 境外旅行保险
- Home / Property insurance 家庭财产保险
- Business insurance 公司保险

Could contact Jimmy for inquiries or request for a quote.



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