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    Do you brag about yourself?

    Do you brag about yourself?

    5 years agoin Relationships-All
    Answers(3) Comments(0)
    I find bragging about yourself to be cocky and unattractive. It ok to be proud about achievements or talents but I would wait for a person to ask me about them before I tell them.
    5 years ago
  • Dammam
    No, and I can't stand people who do. Even more annoying are those who humble brag.
    I might acknowledge what I am good at when the situation calls for it, and when I have done a good job I don't shy away from enjoying that fact, but self-awareness and bragging are two different things.
    5 years ago
  • Khaoua
    I never brag about anything except during video games. If a gamer is garbage and tries to tell me I am garbage, I will brag about how much of a better player I am. Call of Duty number one killer
    5 years ago

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