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  • Shlomo

    Anyone have any tips about how to buy from Alibaba when you\'re in China?

    keep needing goods that are only sold in the States.  But, every time, I\'m able to find a substitute product on Alibaba.  Does anyone have experience ordering from them in China?  They also quote U.S. prices, I would hope that Chinese prices would be available inside China.  
    4 years agoin Shopping-Overseas
    Answers(1) Comments(0)
  • Darwin

    I don\'t think Aliexpress allows for shipping to China, no (unless you are able to directly negotiate with the seller and formally make the order to an address abroad). Don\'t know about Alibaba, wouldn\'t be surprised if it\'s the same.

    Surprised there is stuff available from Aliexpress that cannot be found on Taobao (besides \"global from\" phones etc).

    4 years ago

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