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  • nicolas

    New Hong Kong Travel Limit For Shenzhen Citizens: Once A Week

    Shenzhen citizens will now be limited to travelling to Hong Kong once a week, at most. In the past they were free to come and go as the pleased, but due to recent requests from the government of Hong Kong, the Central Government has taken measures to their travel. The policy was made in an effort to relieve stress at border crossings and tourist facilities across Hong Kong, which have been overburdened by the increase in mainland tourists in recent years. Citizens with special family or business situations will still be allowed to apply for multiple entry passes.

    Is it late decision?

    9 years agoin General-Xiamen
    Answers(4) Comments(1)
  • patri
    Finally a good solution for the recent problems Hong Kong have been facing with too much mainlanders tourists. I think HK it's too small to contain so much people, it's good they are controlling the entry.


    yeah, I think the rest of the world just isn't equipped for how many people there are here. That's not like a value judgment either just a matter of logistics. You could get a billion of the smartest, most respectful and well behaved people in the world and they would still create logistical nightmares if they all wanted to visit places not equipped for so many.
    9 years ago
    9 years ago
  • benjamin
    I think it will decrease smuggling a little bit.
    9 years ago
  • qseph

    Good for Hongkers and Foreigners living in Shenzhen, smugglers will pay a fortune for 2 cans of baby formula.

    9 years ago
  • karina

    I saw this.

    I think its a wrong decision.Sure, HK people complain about mainlanders buying up stuff, but this will hit the HK shops hard. I bet the HK people doing the complaining dont depend on the mainland shoppers for their jobs.


    9 years ago

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