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  • hemanth

    Any TCM remedy for tinnitus? (ringing/buzzing in the inner ear)

    Are there any Traditional Chinese Medicine remedy for tinnitus? (ringing/buzzing in the inner ear)
    9 years agoin Health & Safety-Chongqing
    Answers(4) Comments(1)
  • ahmad
    Make music in your head out of the noises.
    9 years ago
  • gough

    Indeed Mr CortoMaltese, tinnitus blows goats. As I have suffered this for a long time and sought treatment, I discovered a couple of things.

    Treatment depends upon the reason you have it. There is a whole bunch of reasons for experiencing tinnitus from disease, medical issue, earwax, drugs and several others including prolonged exposure to loud noise. (Back in my halcyon days I played in some punk bands - we rehearsed inside a shipping container with bare metal walls...possible reason?) Some may have a temporary experience of it. For example; if you occasionally go to a concert.

    Go to a real doctor (ie: Hong Kong) if it is causing you undue stress. I've tried lots of herbal and holistic remedies. They are bullshit.

    9 years ago
  • yukhymenko
    My spouse has tinnitus and tried acupuncture, combined with some Chinese herbal concoctions. After about three months there was a significant reduction in the 'noise' but was also told that it might never go away completely. Was also told by western ear doctor that there was not really any cure for tinnitus however, sometimes it goes away on its own, but that occurs very seldom.


    I will definitely try this, thank you. Roughly, how many years did you had tinnitus and how long were the sauna sessions? and what kind of noise was the tinnitus (e.g. buzzing, high pitched noise, etc)?
    9 years ago
    9 years ago
  • valendia

    Yes there is.

    It is very unlikely that they work though.

    Note. I do not mean to ridicule you, I know that hearing loss and hearing related problems can have severe impact on life quality. I would however very much like to ridicule TCM.

    9 years ago

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