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  • lullia

    To those with Chinese GFs, stop using your phone while it is charging !

    For the rest of us, I call BS on the article. Voltage doesn't go "many times higher" just because you are using the phone. 

    Anyway. I predict a country full of people who now fear phones while they are charging, while they are being used for calls due to "radiation" and of course the very severe danger of the magnetic field when the battery is almost out of power. I am guessing the fact that the screen technology matches that of TVs hasn't made it into the hysteria yet, but we certainly know that screens output radiation.

    9 years agoin Health & Safety-Guangzhou
    Answers(4) Comments(1)
  • vasilev

    The article is not coming up for me. The problem is Chinese made replacement chargers. They are designed to charge the battery faster. Think about it?

    I only use my computer , American bought replacement charger and the charger that came with the phone. And I make sure she does also.

    9 years ago
  • khanzada

    Playing games on the phone while talking to the bf... surely THAT was what the problem was!

    Can you imagine the panic that would erupt all over the country if that was discovered the real cause... Laughing out loud

    (Though, TBH, I suspect the real problem was the crappy wiring in the apartment! That's why students aren't allowed to have such electrical devices in their dorms)

    9 years ago
  • hussain
    dont chinese single girls sleep with their phone until they get a bf, i mean it does have a vibrate function, you can 'ring my bell , ring my bell" nice song from the 80's.


    Shit, my GF still sleeps with her phone. Should I be worried?
    9 years ago
    9 years ago
  • medona

    Don't worry, Soon they will have some TCM to cure that. Like powdered shark fin sprinkled over white tiger testicles or something.

    9 years ago

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