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  • Shilpa

    How does your city residents generally treat foreigners?

    I am curious as I hear different cities have different attitude towards foreigners. 


    For example, I heard that Zhengzhou generally isn't too kind to foreigners. I also used to live in a city near Shanghai called Changzhou and they weren't very nice to foreigners overall. Tianjin is pretty good for a larger city.


    I am in a smaller city (Yuncheng, Shanxi) and people here are actually quite nice to foreigners. Yuncheng is a lower tier city but has things like Wal-Mart, Pizza Hut, the speed train goes through here from Beijing and luxuries that a larger city offers. 


    However, there are not many foreigners so you still kind of get the star treatment but it is more curiosity and admiration than anything. Locals are generally quite nice and go a bit further to be helpful to foreigners. There are jerks but generally I would say this is a foreigner friendly city, however... the level of people that speak English here is quite low. 


    In this city, there are foreigners from all places but because a group of South African guys came here early on they sort of tainted the reputation of black people. Drugs and sleeping with students that circulated through the city... nice guys but had a little too much fun. 


    How about the city where you live? What is the general attitude towards foreigners and does it change based on nationality or skin color? 

    8 years agoin Relationships-Chengdu
    Answers(13) Comments(0)
  • chinaexpat8808
    it depends on how they treat us, sometimes we treat them very well,but some of people jus don't know how to respect others.
    7 years ago
  • Joel03
    If you are behaving properly, I think Chinese are generally nice.
    8 years ago
  • Wuduk
    depends on the way you behave actually. If you are nice to local people normally they could be nice with you as well.
    8 years ago
  • gapeyeva
    I must agree with the texascowboy posting, I have lived here in Wuhan for 2.4 years, traveling between Hankou and Wuhang regularly. I find the students in Wuchang friendly enough, however between the 2 locations, often or not the elders natives are far less sociable or welcoming.
    8 years ago
  • collin

    It depends on whether u r white, black or yellow.

    *If black--->mostly bad treat (up to 99.99%)

    *If white (from America, UK, Europe)----> mostly nice treat (up to 99.99%)

    *White (from Australia, NZ, Latino)---->From average to good (up to 60%)

    *If yellow (like my Filipino friend)---->Average (up to 60%)

    My advice to my nigg@@: be strong if u want to survive here, life goes on

    8 years ago
  • enrico
    what i think about chin ease peoples they r very rude kind and they r not helpfull.
    8 years ago
  • laurade
    Beijing residents are pretty sucky to foreigners which is a laugh because they want to host the Olympics again. Personally I think they shouldn't. With the terrible air, racist residents and terrible manners why would anyone give them the Olympics again? Plus I've never seen people walk so slowly. i can't help but laugh.
    8 years ago
  • hossain
    They're pretty chill.
    8 years ago
  • kedar

    Chengdu ren are wonderful, by and large. Most people smile and are quite willing to chat you up on the street. You get the occasional jackass who tries to work you over because you are laowai, but a lot of people will also go out of their way to help you. I was just moving apartments and was touched by people offering to help me lug my stuff.

    I used to live in Beijing. That city was miserable. . People there are unbelievably xenophobic. Every apartment I lived in there had someone who had to accuse laowai of anything and everything.

    8 years ago
  • mahar

    i lived in a old fashioned compound in zhongshan park,Shanghai it was full of local shanghainese and one or two out of towners who did things like bbq at night or recycled cardboard boxes. Gypies, tramps and theives.

    It was a xenophobic place to live and extremely unwelcoming and to me it epitomised the real dislike for foreing people over here.

    8 years ago

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