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  • nikolay

    What do people use instead of dropbox in China?

    I want something like dropbox that I can use in China easily. Please tell me what I could use and he website and url where I could get he English version so it is in English not Chinese. Thank.
    9 years agoin Web & Technology-Hangzhou
    Answers(5) Comments(0)
  • Dubov
    wechat cloud drive is good enough.
    6 years ago
  • yingt0903

    Like most of answers said: Aliyun, baidu yun and 360yun. Also, you can use QQ mail. One of functions called Transfer station in document (1G storage capacity for 1 month). QQ mail can set language to English easily.

    Hope it can help you!

    6 years ago
  • david1
    Use baidu yun or will get free 2Terabytes space
    9 years ago
  • winnie
    If you have a VPN then Dropbox works fine. If not, sorry can't help
    9 years ago
  • harmid
    Seriously, I hope no one is stupid enough to answer this question on a Chinese forum.
    9 years ago

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