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  • Jay30

    What happens if a foreigner gets a Chinese girl pregnant?

    Let me be clear. This is not about me. Just curious. I've heard stories of a few foreigners getting unmarried Chinese girls pregnant and then trying to run out on them. The parents go to the police and get the foreigner's passport canceled or something. Is there any truth to that? 
    8 years agoin Relationships-Beijing
    Answers(6) Comments(0)
  • chinaexpat8809
    Maybe you should be responsible.
    7 years ago
  • Morris774
    It depends
    8 years ago
  • sara520gln
    It is ture, I saw this kind of things before, I am a Chinese girl, I think, we should protect ourselves, no offense, but we know nothing about foreigners
    8 years ago
  • nava9102
    good luck with that.
    8 years ago
  • sunflowernicole
    If they are really deeply in love in each other, they can consider about getting married and settling down. And all parents want from children is the best and I think as the girl. she should think seriously about that.
    8 years ago
  • kashlan

    Honorable and noble are attributives that characterize a good man with a healthy conscience. If you happen to impregnate a woman, regardless of nationality, creed or race, you have limited options: 1) abort; 2) marry the damsel in question and have the baby.

    If you are a scoundrel, you will walk out on the girl leaving her to fend for herself. Naughty shit there.

    On the other hand, if you both agree, abortion is a viable option in China since it is legal, safe, inexpensive, uncomplicated and expeditious (unlike many other countries that muddle the issue with morality and religion). And you will pay for it, accompany her to the clinic, ensure she is comfortable, and console her thereafter if she needs it.

    If you want to have a child, you love the girl, and you are young enough to see your own flesh and blood reach full term (usually around 18 yrs of age), then marry the girl and start a family. Nothing wrong with that. People have been engaged in such arrangements for millennia.

    If marriage is not your cup of tea, fine. Just don't walk out on her. Man up and do the right thing. Good luck.

    8 years ago

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