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    \"Store of Wisdom\" regarding China

    I wonder what you would consider essential knowledge about China including geography, history, public holidays, politics, culture, pop culture, etc.
    3 years agoin General-Shanghai
    Answers(3) Comments(0)
  • Samarbekov
    I think there are 2 aspects of China in which we foreigners seem to be particularly ignorant, and I think they are very important to promote mutual respect, especially in the current climate of hostilities.
    3 years ago

    This history podcast I follow is great:

    With +200 episodes one would think it already covers everything you\'d like to know about China\'s history, but nope, still ongoing.

    3 years ago
  • Hajar3
    Awesome idea for a topic — this kind of thing is super useful in terms of having a basic level of cultural background, which is essential for gaining a high level of language proficiency
    3 years ago

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