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  • braun

    How long does it usually take for a school to get a visa invitation and fec for

    How long does it usually take for a school to get a visa invitation and fec for a teacher? It has taken almost a month for my school to receive this visa invitation, and though they are promising me that I will have a work visa and FEC coming in to the country and I understand with these documents I am 100% legal, I do not understand why it is taking them so long to get these documents... should I be worried? The school says, and I quote "Cos too many people apply for the FEC and the invitation letters now.". As long as I have a work visa and a FEC going in to the country, am I okay and legal to work? I dont want any surprises.
    9 years agoin Visa & Legalities-Xiamen
    Answers(7) Comments(1)
  • codorvo
    Now stick 'Kiddie English' in Yahoo-gle search and fuk off! You can add 'China' for better search results.
    9 years ago
  • gauthier
    I apologize, they are not sending me and FEC, they have sent me an Alien Employment License.


    Your story does not add up. Either you are a dick wanting to waste people's time or you have the intelligence of a rock. Either way.....Meh!
    9 years ago
    9 years ago
  • nico
    I apologize, they are not sending me an FEC, they have sent me an Alien Employment License.
    9 years ago
  • kerryl

    Last year, I started working with the company I am still with (and a place I had worked for previously, as had a number of others I knew) straight after Spring Festival (which, if you'll recall, was late February.

    I didn't leave here until May 20th or so, to fly home to apply for the Z visa!

    (I lost about 2-3 weeks due to the Criminal History Check bit).

    So, yes, it's a total PITA, and it can take a long time!!!

    9 years ago
  • glenn

    OP is trolling! Proceed with caution!angel

    He's keep repeating Qs about FEC, despite difference between FEC and WP was explained 'brazillion' times, and he/she never entered China.

    What is the name of the School, which mail FEC and Invitation letter in two separate mailings?

    Tell us, how your FEC looks like? Did your 'activity FEC' arrived with regular or express mail service?

    9 years ago
  • miguel

    Once you have your FEC then the working type resident permit is pretty much a formality providing all the paperwork is in order. You will have a month to have this completed after entry. Depending on the city, it can take up to a month to receive your resident permit. So I would suggest that you get the ball rolling asap upon arrival.

    "Activity Director" may just be their job title for "Dancing & Juggling White Monkey/ Foreign Teacher". You will understand soon enough.

    Keep in mind that Chinese people may know "academically" ,that this needs to be done but will piss about getting it done unless you push them a little. You will hear "Don't worry, it will be fine". Do not trust this.

    Upon your visit to the Entry/Exit guys, if the paperwork is in order, they will give you a receipt telling you what day to return to collect your passport. You have to pay by card so open a bank account as a matter of priority. Your school will probably have a bank of choice.

    Good luck and wait for the cynicism to begin.

    9 years ago
  • condor
    My FEC has arrived. On it I am labeled as "Activity Director" not as Foreign teacher, is this a big deal? or is this just a job position description?
    9 years ago

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