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  • Valeriia23

    what kind of schools in china can provide Z visa?

    what kind of school in china can provide Z visa to non-native English speaker?
    8 years agoin Sports-All
    Answers(16) Comments(0)
  • Parreira
    some training centers. Or maybe if you can teach subject, some high schools and universities can as well.
    6 years ago
  • waseemc
    most school can do the work visa, but mainly depends on the teacher's qualification
    6 years ago
  • Janine
    school SAFEA authorized to employ
    6 years ago
  • Lilylin
    it is about the school, it is about the teachers themselves
    6 years ago
  • yingt0903
    Firstly, u should get TESOL/TEFL and get BA degree from native english countries at least. If Non-native speaker wants to apply Z visa, materials that need to be prepared will be a little more complicated.
    6 years ago
  • Elenamay
    if you have enough money, you can try to get a company work cost much.
    6 years ago
  • chinaexpat8801
    Non-native english speakers can not get teaching english working visa in china except you have BA degree from native english countries
    6 years ago
  • Ferrer90
    Schools that can be qualified to provide work visa for foreign teachers should be okay to provide visa for non-native who has a degree from native English speaker countries
    7 years ago
  • chinaexpat8808
    the school which are qualified to do the work visa.
    7 years ago
  • Nikola874

    Non-native english speakers can not get teaching english working visa in china except you have BA degree from native english countries

    It's new regulation in China this year.but there are exceptions though.

    8 years ago

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