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  • Zorin

    Shipping things home! HELP!

    I have 30 days left in China and I am starting to pack things up to ship them home. I was thinking about using China Post, but I\'ve heard there are other independent companies who will ship more for a lower price. Can someone tell me things that are forbidden to send back home? For instance I\'ve bought a lot of tea that I\'m trying to get home. My friend told me that powders are also forbidden to ship, but this might only be with China Post. If anyone has had experience with this or knowledge of how I can ship the most things back to the US, at the cheapest price please let me know!! Also the things that I will not be able to send home, Thank you so much!!
    1 year agoin Transport & Travel-All
    Answers(3) Comments(0)
  • Zermina
    In addition to paying for an extra bag at check-in -- which can be extremely expensive depending on your ticket and airline -- there\'s also the cheaper unaccompanied baggage opton. Procedures differ by airport, but essentially you bag goes as air freignt, and you usually have to deal with it at the cargo area of the airport. Actually, like sending your luggage as cargo on China Rail
    1 year ago
  • Daunivalu1984

    My experience is old, but probably still somewhat valid: airmail is fast (less than a week, I think) but expensive. Sea mail is the cheapest, but also slow: about three months. Ideal for getting winter clothes home, and books you won\'t get around to soon. SAL is in between those two in both cost and speed, although sometimes it can be faster than you expect. Pack everything well and seal the boxes well - basically, expect the post people to play soccer with it and wrap accordingly. Private companies are faster (I assume) and perhaps more secure than China Post, but you pay accordingly.

    Another option is to pay for an extra suitcase if you\'re flying home. Usually some 50-100 euros (convert to a currency of choice by yourself) for 23 kilos, so not too expensive and very fast, as long as you have a way of getting all that stuff to and from the airport.

    Expat moving companies are great if you moving an entire household and have lots of money to spend on the move. They pack everything perfectly and unpack it in a room of your choice, so they\'re very convenient. But the price is accordingly

    1 year ago
  • Baghdasaryan

    How much stuff are we talking about?

    I googled \"china expat moving company\"

    This is a thread with people talking about using a moving company, booking a container etc., it is old but can give you an idea what is involved.

    1 year ago

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