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  • Abedou

    Mental Health

    How does mental health affect physical health?
    11 months agoin Health & Safety-All
    Answers(3) Comments(0)
  • fatima99
    A person whose mind is not healthy may have trouble coping with life’s everyday stresses. For example, there are some people who can barely do work because of their anxiety. They feel that everything is bound to go wrong even if nothing is happening yet. There are some who never leave their homes at all because of what they are experiencing.
    11 months ago
  • Aztout
    A person whose mind is not healthy may have trouble coping with life’s everyday stresses. For example, there are some people who can barely do work because of their anxiety. They feel that everything is bound to go wrong even if nothing is happening yet. There are some who never leave their homes at all because of what they are experiencing.
    11 months ago
  • hasni
    Mental health affects physical health because If you are not mentally stable and able to take on life with the fullest of awareness that will take a toll on your brain and that could lead to you lashing out on yourself physically. If you feel that you are not enough that is a state of the mind. A state of the mind that may make you physically lash out on yourself by cutting yourself, physically punishing yourself or continually telling yourself your not good enough which is a form of self mental abuse it makesyou think the world would be better off without you and make you do something you might regret.
    11 months ago

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