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  • Asmal77

    Gas and oil?

    What is the difference between Crude Oil and Natural Gas?
    9 months agoin General-All
    Answers(3) Comments(0)
  • Alexksei
    A lot of people find this surprising, but there are some symptoms of congestive heart failure that may appear similar to the symptoms of pneumonia in the beginning. Pneumonia is an infection of the lungs that may cause fluids to appear. Congestive heart failure is the type of condition wherein the heart’s pumping is not working correctly.
    9 months ago
  • Khmeleva
    Crude oil and natural gas are two types of fossil fuels that humans have been using for a long time for heating. Crude oil is better known as petroleum and various version of it are used by vehicles in order to make the engines run and make the vehicles move. Natural gas contains hydrocarbons, ethane, and methane. Natural gas may come from crude oil but this is not the only source.
    9 months ago
  • Maksim93
    Crude oil and natural gas are fossil fuels both they are not the same thing. Crude oil is defined as unrefined oil. It is found underground, and it consists mainly of complex hydrocarbons. Crude oil is also commonly referred to as fossil oil, crude, petroleum or rock oil. Before crude oil can be used, it must undergo an extensive refining process.
    9 months ago

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