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  • ASHOT1

    Why apple on Christmas Eve?

    I saw many Chinese people selling and buying apples with fancy package in the street on Christmas Eve.

    Why is that?

    9 months agoin Lifestyle-All
    Answers(3) Comments(0)
  • Abir1

    hmmm... I asked the same question before. Apple is Pingguo in China, with the same pronounciation of Ping\'an, the Chinese version of Christmas Eve.

    That\'s why.

    8 months ago
  • Irakli

    Oh, this is really interesting.

    Next time I\'ll also try to eat an Apple on Christmas Eve.

    8 months ago
  • Boris11

    I heard about that Apple is called Ping Guo in China, Ping has the same pronouciation with Safe and Peace, Ping An. and Christmas Eve is called Ping An Ye in China.

    That\'s the reason.

    9 months ago

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