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  • DARIA123

    How about the weather in North China?

    I\'m looking for a job in the northern part of China. But it says the weather there is really cold, during winter time. Is that true? How could it will be? Will the winter life there be unconvenient due to the cold weather?
    6 months agoin Lifestyle-Changchun
    Answers(3) Comments(0)
  • Alhaji
    Check and read some news about the northern part of China on internet, you will fall in love that place, especially in their winter season. It definitely is convenient living there, more than you can imagine
    6 months ago
  • TEMARA1234

    The weather in northern China is so famous. You know last winter, Harbin was so crowded with travellers all over the world.

    You will enjoy the life there. It won\'t be inconvenient at all!

    6 months ago
  • Drobnitsyna
    Oh, it\'s defenitely cold there in the nothern China, but if you come from cold countries like Russia or Canada, the weather ther in northern China would never be a problem.
    6 months ago

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