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  • Janjic

    Is ok to sign with a company but work in a school?

    I was recently offerred by a company to work as a PE teacher in a school, located in another city.

    Is legal for me to sign and be paid by a company but work in a school actually? It\'s first time for me to work overseas, very nervous

    2 months agoin Visa & Legalities-All
    Answers(3) Comments(0)
  • Schoeman
    Dont do so. It\'s not realaible and better to sign directly with the school
    2 months ago
  • Ullah1987
    it is illegal as far as i know
    2 months ago
  • Marais
    It depends, if your work visa is connected to the school, i think it wont be a problem.
    2 months ago

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