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  • Philasande


    Why is identity of great importance to Indigenous people?
    1 month agoin Culture-All
    Answers(3) Comments(0)
  • Aleksei87
    The Eurasians are easy for Caucasians and Anglos to infiltrate and pretend to be one of them. ..
    1 month ago
  • Khubeiz
    Identity is important to indigenous people because personal identity is closely tied to personal identity. It provides a sense of security for many people.
    1 month ago
    Identity is of great importance to Indigenous people because it encompasses their connection to their land, culture, history, and community. It is a source of pride, resilience, and strength, and serves as a way to preserve and pass on their unique traditions, knowledge, and values to future generations. Additionally, having a strong sense of identity allows Indigenous people to challenge the historical and ongoing injustices they face and advocate for their rights, self-determination, and cultural preservation.
    1 month ago

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