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  • Alexander987

    Lime juice and acne

    Does lime juice on the face help acne?
    1 week agoin Food-All
    Answers(3) Comments(0)
  • Botalova
    Lemon juice include Vitamin C which is very useful for removal of acne .Lemon juice is also a natural astringent, antiseptic, and pore reducer.It\'s also crucial for the formation of collagen, which you need to maintain the structure of your skin and keep it young-looking.
    1 week ago
  • Nhlapo
    I have heard this before and I\'m an esthetician and know a little about skin and acne .Lime is very acidic and though seems to help may cause excessive dryness which causes more oil to be produced and may cause more breakouts.I suggest u use a milder cleanser or toner and look into a dermatologist or esthetician.if not try a milder home remedy .
    1 week ago
  • Serykh
    Limes are one of the best natural ways to promote youthful skin. Vitamin C found in limes nourishes skin cells inside and out and can even help fight signs of skin aging. Using lime products directly on your skin can help with reducing the appearance of aging.
    1 week ago

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