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  • Lord_hanson

    China stock market?

    After the real estate slow down, many people is jumping on the stock market for what now seems a free meal. Now, leaving aside that there's no free meals to begin with, how many people currently trading, on the total, do you think have the minimum knowledge to operate with consciousness on the financial markets?
    9 years agoin Money & Banking-Nanjing
    Answers(5) Comments(0)
  • iskakova
    I never play the stock market.
    7 years ago
  • Eorthisio

    Probably nobody is the answer to your question. Have you watched Mathew mc Conaghey's Speech in "the wolf of Wall Street "? No mf knows if shares are going up or down. Least of all stockbrokers. Most traders lose money when trying to turn it into a career. I just like having a punt

    i find it hard to get good information. I bought shares in Oxus gold (Lse). I cannot really any information about its history online. Inside information is the best way.

    9 years ago
  • Nickwatson

    They are the exact same people who, a matter of months ago, had blind faith into China's real estate market and thought that it would "never go down because the government is backing it up", this tells you a lot on who they are and what they know about trading and investments.

    Now they use the same arguments on the stock markets, "the government will never let them fall", we shall see. Chinese are gamblers culturally speaking, but that does not make them good gamblers or winners.

    Most if not all of them will sell at the first sign of downturn, that might be interesting. Two possible issues in such situation, they are allowed to sell and everyone else should brace for impact, or selling is banned and they lose everything.

    China might be ruled by commies but it is no exception to the rules of good old' capitalism. Can't lose more than 10%? Li Hejun is crying in his Royce right now.

    9 years ago
  • lisalee

    My wife and I have been investing for a long time into the Shanghai Index. I'm like so excited by this recent two day crash and hopefully it'll keep crashing, I need those stocks I'm watching to fall to a lower price. Remember to watch the MACD lines (yellow and white) if they get close together or touch its a good chance to sell and a sign that a spike in the price is coming or happening. Ask your Chinese wife or Husband o download an app to help you.. Try looking into stock 600227, we made Y473,000 and bought it in September 2014, and of course we sold it last Monday morning but we'll buy in again depending on the price. This is good stock still with a good future, if your asking yourself what, how, fuckn liar, well just go to and type in 600227, history will prove it.

    My point is those with a Chinese wife or husband should be investing, should be doing their homework daily on the Shanghai index because this how you make yourself and family set for a good position. Yes also ship the money out to your home country too, invest there as well, but for Americans don't send $5000 or more too often, send mixed amounts like $3780 or next time $4700 otherwise IRS might tax or raise the red flags. I love it when people say wow you bought a car and house, you must be an engineer, My reply: Nope I'm just a normal Wall Street teacher in the ESL field. Than the shocked eyes start haha.

    Guys try it. my tips: Don't believe any news reports that are in English because they are bullshit. China can always fix and mess with their stock market and thats the beauty I love about it. Next No you won't lose all your investments like you would in my country, you can only earn 10% a day and lose 10% a day. Get a Chinese stock market app and use that, read and translate the forums they have so you can get a feel about how your stock is doing or what it's going to do.

    Good luck to those who have the educated mind & skills to invest. Because yes that is a requirement.

    The Shanghai index will be fine. Don't worry.

    9 years ago
  • Iron

    They are the exact same people who, a matter of months ago, had blind faith into China's real estate market and thought that it would "never go down because the government is backing it up", this tells you a lot on who they are and what they know about trading and investments.

    Now they use the same arguments on the stock markets, "the government will never let them fall", we shall see. Chinese are gamblers culturally speaking, but that does not make them good gamblers or winners.

    Most if not all of them will sell at the first sign of downturn, that might be interesting. Two possible issues in such situation, they are allowed to sell and everyone else should brace for impact, or selling is banned and they lose everything.

    China might be ruled by commies but it is no exception to the rules of good old' capitalism. Can't lose more than 10%? Li Hejun is crying in his Royce right now.

    9 years ago

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