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Car transportation

Housing Wanted | 1br | Shanghai | Posted by:Bob Wu     2021,Dec 16 14:29    Tel:13167207797  views:
  • Type:Housing Wanted
  • Price:0 RMB
  • Size:0 Sqm
  • Rooms:1 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms
  • City:Shanghai
  • Address:
  • Contact Name:Bob Wu
  • Tel:13167207797
  • Other contact:
Housing Amenities:
Vicinity Amenities:

1. Currently only diplomats can import cars relatively hassle-free. The import permit for the car will have to be obtained by the Consulate / Embassy.


   2. A shipper who wishes to import his car must obtain the import permit from customs office prior to shipping the car. It is advisable to contact the environmental bureau at destination to check if import is allowed.


   3. Motorcycles are allowed to be imported IF an import permit has been approved and issued.


   4. For All vehicles, an import permit is extremely difficult to obtain, and this must be applied for by the individual shipper. This permit is not a license/registration to drive the vehicle on the road, this must be obtained from the local Traffic Department and is not guaranteed even if the import permit is obtained.


   5. Port storage / demurrage charges are high for import of the car, as different government offices conduct different inspections.

   6. Duties and Taxes can be quite high for the importation of vehicles into China, and are based on the assessed value of the vehicle. This is entirely at Customs discretion.

If you want to import or export your personnel car, we can help to complete complex customs clearance in China.

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